Table of Expenses

This section deals with drawing up a table of expenses should you be forced to do something against your will. For example, when being arrested or brought to court, or if you have to deal with notices or debts.

Everyone involved in a court case against you is likely getting paid or seeking redress or compensation of some kind. You are also entitled to be paid for your time. Especially when you are obeying orders forced on you without your consent, as slavery is supposedly illegal.

There are several points to note before drawing up such expenses, as outlined below:

  1. They must be realistic.
    • This means you cannot claim €1 billion just because you were held in a cell overnight.
    • A normal hourly rate (at least minimum wage, but more if you are paid more) and standard overnight rates (generally 8 hours at the hourly rate or an amount equivalent to staying in a 2 or 3 star bed and breakfast) are acceptable.
    • Additional costs can be added for paperwork etc.
    • It is reasonable to charge up to 3 times the cost of any professional fees. So for example, if you have to retain a doctor or solicitor (never recommended), architect or other such professional.
  2. You must clearly protest preferably in writing but this may not always be possible on the day, but certainty do it as soon as possible after.
    • Protest means you agree to do what you are told, but under duress.
    • The other party must then produce a contract within 3 days or you can write your own terms, conditions and costs.
    • The other party has automatically agreed to these conditions and costs by proceeding with the action against you and not providing you with a contract which you have consented to.
    • The sooner you advise the parties involved, the more binding it is. – the whole “By proceeding you are agreeing to these costs”. They use it on you, so return the favour. By doing so, you’ll soon find out how legally binding it actually is (because it’s actually not – but it’s a useful tool). You can play on their ignorance just as easily as they play on yours and others.
  3. You should have your table of expenses written in advance and where practical carry it with you at all times for production when needed.
  4. The below table of expenses are for example purposes only and provide a format and sample wording. It is not intended to be taken literally. So please modify it to suit your own needs. Remember to keep it realistic.
  5. You will need to customise this for different circumstances. For example, it will be slightly different if you are dealing with Garda or courts, or if you are dealing with debt collections or notices and fines, or general complaints etc.
  6. When it is time to use this table of expenses you will present it as below in the first example. As your process continues, you will turn it into an invoice for actual expenses. An example of this is also below.

Below is an example of a table of expenses for your reference:

I formally protest the demands being made of me and only provide the products or services demanded under duress and threat of force.

Should you continue to proceed with these actions, you are agreeing to the costs outlined below.

No refusal, written or otherwise, is acceptable, as you have already agreed to pay these expenses by continuing with your actions against me.

  • €50 per online contact i.e:
    • Email.
    • Online form (maximum 3 pages or 15 questions).
    • Chat box (maximum 15 minutes).
  • €100 per standard mail contact sent.
  • €100 per hour or part thereof for any in person meeting or phone call.
  • €1.50 per km travelled each way from my place of residence, not inclusive of other costs incurred which will be charged at 3 times the rate.
    • i.e: if a meeting place is 5km away from my place of residence then the cost will be:
      • €7.5 there, and €7.5 return. Totalling €15.00.
      • Should I need to get a taxi each way, and the cost of the taxi is for example also €20 each way, then the total cost will be:
        • €15 for my expenses + (2 x €20 taxi fairs = €40 x 3) = €120.
        • All totalling €135 for travel.
    • Or the hourly rate of time, whichever is greater.
      • So if it will take 1 hour to travel there and back, then the hourly rate will be €200 which exceeds the travel rates above and this is what will be charged.
  • €800 per day should an overnight stay be required.
    • This is exclusive of any additional hours spent in meetings during the day.
    • i.e: If I am to leave Monday, return home Wednesday. Then the fee would be:
      • €800 Monday
      • €800 Tuesday
      • €800 Wednesday
      • Totalling €2,400.

Above represent my direct fees. You are also responsible for 3 times the amount of any additional fees, including but not limited to:

  • Postal & shipping costs.
  • Taxi fares.
  • Hotel stays.
  • Food if more than 4 hours including travel time is required
  • Legal or other professional (i.e. accountant, IT, architect) cost incurred.

All charges are operated hourly or part thereof unless otherwise specified.

Below is an example of using the above table of expenses in an invoice format later in the process. Usually this is done when the matter is closed and you will be following a debt collection process (outlined briefly later).

The online medium here is limited in terms of formatting. Obviously you would design the layout and formatting of this much more professionally in a word or google docs document. When time permits, I will upload properly formatted documents and link them here. However this should be more than enough to get most people started.

This first example below would be used in response to complaints, notices, fines, or debt collection letters.

Invoice: DD/MM/YYYY

Based on the above table of expenses, below is an invoice for my actual expenses as they currently stand. Payment is due within 28 days of the date of this invoice.

4 Hours in person meeting €400
Travel to and from residence to meetings (calc yourself this is only for example) €250.
7 letters €700.
Postage costs x 7 letters = €7 x 3 = €21

Total amount due (calculate yourself, this is only for example) €2,100

This second example below would be used in response to being arrested and charged by Garda.

Invoice: DD/MM/YYYY

Based on the above table of expenses, below is an invoice for my actual expenses as they currently stand. Payment is due within 28 days of the date of this invoice.

  • 6+ hours spent in a cell €700.00
  • Travel from XXX Station to my place of residence (5km) €15.00
  • This mail €100.00
  • Photocopying / Stationary (€10 x 3) €30
  • €50 per order listed below:
    • Order to be handcuffed €50.00
    • Order to be placed in van €50.00
    • Order to be removed from van €50.00
    • Order to be placed in cell €50.00
    • Order to have handcuffs removed €50.00
    • Order to have clothing removed x 2 €100.00
    • Order to have clothing put back on x 2 €100.00
    • Order to pick up belt €50.00
    • Order to put down belt €50.00
    • Order to remove shoes and socks x 2 €100.00
    • Order to put back on shoes and socks x 2 €10.00
    • Order to have medical check €50.00
    • Order not to take medications €50.00
    • Order to have interview with solicitor €50.00
    • Order to have interview with guest €50.00
    • Order to listen to false charges x 3 €150.00
    • Order to sign charge sheet cover pages x 2 €100.00
    • Order to leave the station €50.00
    • Order to collect my personal belongings €50
    • Order to walk home at 2am with no public transport €50.00
    • Order for special appearance in court on DD/MM/YYYY €50.00
    • Advance deposit required for above special appearance €800.00

Total amount due (calculate yourself, this is only for example) €4,500

A quick explanation on the above Garda format. If you read the section Comprehending Garda Matters, you will note in particular to ensure they are operating under oath. Following this, the constant question:

Will you you force if I refuse your order?

You must ask this question every time they tell you to do something. In this way, you are turning their “suggestions” into demands carried out without your consent and under threat of force.

The Garda have more manpower and weapons than you, so there is no point in physically resisting them in any way. That should never even be an option that enters your mind. If you go into a cell, and several Garda surround you in an intimidating or threatening manner. Make it very clear you have no intention of using violence or physically resisting and there is no need for such a large presence.

Never physically resist or threaten violence against any Garda. Even if you are an Olympic martial artist and world athlete and could easily bet 5 or even 10 of them. Remember, you wont be able to beat 50 or 100 or 500. At some point you will lose. Even if you have friends backing you up with weapons, they have over 10,000 regular Garda and 3,000 armed Garda ready to respond. With the backing of both the army and indeed if needed, the british and EU forces too. So unless you have an big army at your disposal, you never have any chance of winning using force. So don’t even waste your breath threatening them.

It is enough to get them to make it clear, that they will use force if you refuse to comply. If they say they will not use force, then simply don’t comply. Even if it is to your advantage to do so.

While you cant submit these fees in advance of being arrested, you can submit them for review by the court. By then you will also have been:

  • Ordered to appear in court.
  • To stand (all rise – you dont, your not dead – so no fee for this).
  • To sit (you’re already seated – so no fee for this).
  • When called to the stand.
  • To confirm your name.
  • To enter a plea (you dont, you request a motion to dismiss).
  • To return on a given date, etc. etc.

You’ll submit another invoice as needed for each appearance and set of orders.

Once you have informed the parties that your time is not free, and that you dont work (obey orders) for free, as you are not a slave. Also that by continuing knowing these fees. Then you can argue that these are reasonable and known expenses.

You may have to progress your case to a civil court, but none the less it will cause them hassle and expense. If enough people do it, the courts and police will think twice before arresting people just because they wont want the trouble. Remember, like all bullies, they only go for the easy targets. When you stand up to them by being difficult and uncooperative without being violent, aggressive, threatening or otherwise disrespectful, you become a hard target.

Remember there is also personal liability insurance on guards, judges, and other such folk. So you can take the claim against them too. Essentially the more people you piss off, and the more reasonable your expenses, the better chance you have of getting paid. It’s easier to pay 5,000 than 5 million for example. You have some chance of getting the first, almost none of getting the second unless you have been seriously injured and can prove it happened while in their care (arrest), very unlikely.

You can do this, not just with courts, but with any letters or bodies you dont want to handle problems with. For example, debt collectors, notices, licence fees. etc. etc. They usually run away quite quickly when you start down that road. Make it part of your conditional acceptance too.

Remember also that you do not consent to being in court (unless you have a legally trained person – never advisable). You are therefore there by force. Reaffirm this when necessary. The judge has sworn an oath to uphold your original 1937 x 63 article constitutional rights. Simply ask the judge if you are held by force. If they say no, first ask if you are free to leave. Then do so if the answer is yes (but it wont be). At this point you can ask what would happen if you did leave, and they will tell you that you would be arrested – therefore you are there by force. You can also ask what would happen if you did not show. They will say a bench warrant would be issued. Then ask if the Garda executing that warrant would be authorised to use force if you resisted. The answer will be yes. Confirming you are there by force, which is against your constitutional rights, so the judge is breaking their oath.