Should you open a letter of any kind you do not want. One of your most powerful options to exercise is conditional acceptance. However, before proceeding with this step, ensure you try the No contract, No consent process first as it is often a much faster way to get things out of your life.
So you accept the terms of the letter, conditional on them meeting your terms. Which you will spell out in your response and enclose with the letter that you will return.
Terms you can add would be things like:
- As long as you can prove you have a licence to operate in this country (ROI).
- As long as you can send me a bill, instead of a notice. (Usually this is not possible, as to have a bill, requires a contract).
- This is particularly useful for clamps and toll’s where there is usually no signed contract.
- As long as you can show me the contract that I signed.
- This one is especially good if terms and conditions have changed and you have not signed anything. For example, by continuing to use our banking or phone services, you agree to our new charges.
- You can notice in many of these cases that you have no way to contact the company and tell them you don’t consent. A contract cannot simply be ended because one party wants to change the terms. If the other party does not consent, it goes back to the old contract, it does not terminate. However, you have to exercise this right in writing within a reasonable time. This is why they make it very difficult for you to contact them in writing.
- As long as you can provide a letter signed on behalf of the company by an actual person.
- This is important, because the person signing on behalf of a company can then be held personally liable if what happens turns out to be illegal.
- Many letters are not signed by anyone. Notices and fines for example.
- A dead entity (company of any kind), cannot sign a document and as such cannot be held legally liable. Only the people behind the dead entity (directors, supervisors, employees) can be held liable. Which is why you need a signature for it to be legally binding. Not a stamp.
- You can also add your own fees and charges (try to keep it reasonable) for handling the issue. Reasonable is the key word here. Many freeman letters are demanding hundreds of thousands, millions, and even billions. Have a table of expenses and demand repayment for your time or cancellation.
Conditional acceptance is extremely powerful. By doing this you remove any dispute. So the matter cannot go to a court. You are agreeing to their terms, as long as they agree to yours. So with no dispute, there is no reason for a court to be involved.
Other things you can do is keep your junk mail, and stuff as much of it as possible into any freepost envelopes you get. Companies are charged for each freepost letter returned so it cost’s them money. If you don’t have junk mail, stuff it full of paper. Just don’t put anything toxic into it as this is an act of terrorism or at least violence. Remember, some poor student secretary who has no idea what is happening, will be opening that letter, so don’t be putting anything in there that can harm anyone.
A further note on Notices, and Penalties. As you have no contract, you have no obligation. These are dismissed, and never reach a court if disputed. Especially using conditional acceptance. It is fraud for any company to issue you a bill when you have not received any goods or services or other benefits which you have no contract. This is why they issue you notices and penalties instead of bills. Anytime you see these words used, simply conditionally accept upon receipt of a bill. You will never get a bill because you received no benefits and have no contract.