
This page outlines what rules are, what exceptions are and where they should come from, religion education, or somewhere else. They are ultimately the various ways we decide to live.


In the worst cases, we are force fed lies from youth through education. We blindly believe what we are told because we don’t know better.

However, sometimes we may spend a little time thinking about rules, and maybe decide to apply them. But most times we just blindly accept what we are fed as rules.

For example with religion, the 10 commandments. In the best cases, we think about how we want to live. Then look for existing rules, question them, and if needed, apply them to our lives. However, unfortunately many people skip the questioning step and just blindly comply – commonly known as sheeple. Such people are blissfully unaware that they actually have a choice. They are kept this way on purpose as a simple but very effective a means of control.

It is your responsibility to make your own rules. Then learn the rules of whatever environment you choose to live in. If for no other reason than your own safety.

Rules defined:

When we make a rule, it usually comes in a format similar to:

Rule 1:- I don’t steal.
This obviously comes from one of the 10 commandments or 4 Buddhist precepts. If you question the former. You’ll find that these 10 commandments are part of a much larger set of 613 commandments from the Old Testament.

Exceptions defined:

Most rules have exceptions. This is the case with the above commandment if we look further into it. It would come in a format similar to:

Rule 1:- I don’t steal.
Exception 1 to R1:- Unless I am extremely hungry.

Sub-exceptions defined:

Some exceptions also have exceptions such as:

Rule 1:- I don’t steal.
Exception 1 to R1:- Unless I am extremely hungry.
Exception 1 to Ex1 of R1:- I will only take what I can eat.

The above exception to the exception to the rule shows: I will only eat what I can while there. However, if you were to fill your pockets with food for later, where does this stop? Maybe a bag, for more food later? Maybe several bags? Or even a car boot load? etc. So I can feed myself for days, weeks etc., or maybe even sell. You can see why it is a problem to take more than you really need at any given moment. Once you cross that point, there is no clear line. It is simply greed which gets even the best people into all kinds of problems.

Some exceptions to exceptions to rules, also even have additional exceptions such as:

Rule 1:- I don’t steal.
Exception 1 to R1:- Unless I am extremely hungry.
Exception 1 to Ex1 of R1:- I will only take what I can eat.
Exception 1 to Ex1 of Ex1 of R1:- I will never steal during the night.

You can continue to make further exceptions, and even have multiple exceptions at each level (hence the numbering). However, you must be careful that you are not circling back around to the rule. Or one of the other exceptions again. Otherwise you are simply confusing yourself.

Points to note:

We are not getting into the rule details themselves here, as it is more about the structure. However, the reason you may not want to steal in the night is because…as the bible says…

”A thief in the night, takes his own chances”.

This is the exception to stealing, but even more importantly, there is a purposefully never marketed exception to killing. One of them being that you may kill a thief in the night. This is because you do not know if they are just a thief looking for food. Or someone trying to kill or otherwise harm yourself or your family.

The 613 commandments of the old testament do make for some interesting reading, it’s worth a look.

Circular rules:

The above is an good guide to rules and exceptions. Here is a guide on the circular problem touched on in the notes above.

Rule 2:- I will not kill.
Exception 1 to R2:- Unless my life is threatened.
Exception 2 to R2:- Unless the life of my family is threatened.
Exception 3 to R2:- Unless the lives of people in my community are threatened.
Exception 1 to Ex3 of R2:- But if that member of my community had been troublesome to me and I would be better off without them, I would not protect them.
**Exception 2 to Ex3 of R2:- I will protect that troublesome member if there is a chance that the trouble that came to them, could also then threaten those of my family or myself.
Exception 4 to R2:- I can kill a thief in the night.

** Arguably, Ex2-Ex3-R2, has circled back to the main rule of not killing.

Above shows a brief example of how to structure rules. It also begins to look somewhat legal. Act x, Article y, paragraph z, subsection a. etc. In this way. It is clear. Everyone should be considering having a book of rules for themselves. This would be called “A moral code“.

Quite quickly this numbering system gets complex. So here it is used for contrived example purposes. Obviously anyone actually writing their own rule book must find a way that suits them to number rules and exceptions. Perhaps some combination of numbers, letters, and roman numerals.