
One important thing to note about morals, is that while they are indeed the rules by which we may judge ourselves. They should never be used to judge others.

Just as you have a right to make the rules you want to live by. Everyone else also has the right (and indeed a duty) to make their own rules – and while many of them will be similar to yours, some of them will not.

So the question then becomes:

Can you and your morals, accept others and their morals?

This is one of the factors that help us decide if someone becomes our friend, and how good of a friend they become. The more morals we have in common, the more we build trust. If someone has a moral code, even if it is different from yours, and you can see them act on it regularly. Then you can trust that person to act in a way they feel is right. So knowing that person, can be as simple as knowing their moral code, if they have one.

Morals and groups:
The above is also the factor that helps us decide what groups we should join. If the group rules, are a match with our morals. Then we should join that group. If not, then we don’t. There is no point joining a group that goes completely against your moral code. The chances of you changing every member of the group to your moral standard is very low. Much more likely that they would change you, or you would leave.

So your morals become:

  • The stick by which you measure yourself.
  • Who you want as friends.
  • What groups you want to join.
  • Who you will work for or perhaps even against.

However, you must remember:

  • Everyone has as much right to make their own rules for themselves, as you have to make yours.
  • You have no right to force your rules on others.
  • With this in mind, you also have no right to judge others by your morals.

You are not taught this in school. But now you know how powerful you are. Because everyone teaches that you must obey laws. That’s what makes you a good person. What actually makes you a good or bad person, is your moral code, and most importantly, how well you stick to it.

If you have a moral code that requires you to kill 10 people per week, and you do not follow that code, then you are a bad person. However, if you try to follow your code, and run around killing people. Then because you are obeying your moral code, you are actually a good person.

However, if your moral code is so far out of alignment with your community or society, you will find yourself in a lot of trouble. So this is why it is a good idea to consider laws, ethics, and other guidelines, when making your moral code. But having a moral code is the first, and most important step.

With this, you will have the strength to stand up for your convictions, and if you think laws are wrong, you can work to have them changed. Having a moral code that you live by, is what gives you true strength and resilience. It makes it clear, to yourself and everyone around you, where you stand, and what you will stand for and against. Having the strength to stand by your moral code, is what makes you strong. It is what makes you resilient. Government, and other bodies, do not want you to do this because then they cannot control you so easily.

Should you decide to build a moral code using the outline of the rules above, try to make it as clear and simple as possible. The less terms you need to define the better, as you are not making a code book for anyone else but yourself. So it must be clear only to you, but do define terms for clarity if you really must.